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Count Raum appears to be unfaithful as he is seen during the ball, hosted by himself and Empusa, asking a mysterious woman (Who is really Jen in disguise so that she could retrieve the key from him to get her vambrace back) for a dance. He becomes impressed with her dancing as well as beauty. They appear to be flirting with one another with him guessing that she is "Duchess Natalia from the Eastern Province" and he requests that they share a 'rather more intimate dance' later on as he is considers himself as a "heartless nobleman". When Empusa comes to meet with him after Jen successfully took the key from his pocket as she seductively remarked that he was a 'prize bull' like herself and excuses herself away, he dismisses his enthrallment of "Duchess Natalia" by claiming she was just another "tiresome guest". He then shares a dance with Empusa, hoping that she wouldn't become suspicious even more of his interaction with "Natalia".
Count Raum appears to be unfaithful as he is seen during the ball, hosted by himself and Empusa, asking a mysterious woman (Who is really Jen in disguise so that she could retrieve the key from him to get her vambrace back) for a dance. He becomes impressed with her dancing as well as beauty. They appear to be flirting with one another with him guessing that she is "Duchess Natalia from the Eastern Province" and he requests that they share a 'rather more intimate dance' later on as he is considers himself as a "heartless nobleman". When Empusa comes to meet with him after Jen successfully took the key from his pocket as she seductively remarked that he was a 'prize bull' like herself and excuses herself away, he dismisses his enthrallment of "Duchess Natalia" by claiming she was just another "tiresome guest". He then shares a dance with Empusa, hoping that she wouldn't become suspicious even more of his interaction with "Natalia".

He is then last seen with Empusa, drinking the 'helot' blood from their chalices in the ballroom, unaware of course that Jen's 'mortal' blood was also mixed in the contents of their drinks. It had caused their immunity to fade completely. Jen confronts the 'powerful pair', as Raum questioned to himself why he didn't get rid of her in the first place and now has to face the consequence of ignoring his instincts though Jen counters back by saying that it would have made him miss 'drooling over that prize bull, Natalia' and joked that they could now share the dance he had promised earlier. He says that he wasn't being serious of the request and that he had immediately recognized her, although Jen doesn't believe him. Empusa tells him to let her finish her off though Jen says that she 'hopes that she will be first'" to die. Easily Jen defeats Empusa,, overall killing her though Raum is shocked and confused, wondering why the chalice that his wife had always drunk from had allowed Jen to kill her easily. Jen taunts him, amused that he thought that their "isotonic cocktail would've protected her" but it was a "big mistake". Raum says that it always worked, overall that they experimented with it for a long time although that causes Jen to wonder if he was "weeping as a husband or a scientist". Raum dimisses the rebuttal by claiming that "Wraith nobleman do not weep" but "Swift vengance" was far more their style. Again, easily Jen defeats him and Raum suffers a slow, painful death.
He is then last seen with Empusa, drinking the 'helot' blood from their chalices in the ballroom, unaware of course that Jen's 'mortal' blood was also mixed in the contents of their drinks. It had caused their immunity to fade completely. Jen confronts the 'powerful pair', as Raum questioned to himself why he didn't get rid of her in the first place and now has to face the consequence of ignoring his instincts though Jen counters back by saying that it would have made him miss 'drooling over that prize bull, Natalia' and joked that they could now share the dance he had promised earlier. He says that he wasn't being serious of the request and that he had immediately recognized her, although Jen doesn't believe him. Empusa tells him to let her finish her off though Jen says that she 'hopes that she will be first'" to die. Easily Jen defeats Empusa,, overall killing her though Raum is shocked and confused, wondering why the chalice that his wife had always drunk from had allowed Jen to kill her easily. Jen taunts him, amused that he thought that their "isotonic cocktail would've protected her" but it was a "big mistake". Raum says that it always worked, overall that they experimented with it for a long time although that causes Jen to wonder if he was "weeping as a husband or a scientist". Raum dismisses the remark by claiming that "Wraith nobleman do not weep" but "Swift vengance" was far more their style. Again, easily Jen defeats him and Raum suffers a slow, painful death. While he is dying, Jen reveals that she had made a "deposit" (her own blood) into his "blood bank" (the blood machine). Now knowing the cause of his no longer working, dark experiment he damns her and dies. As Jen and Scree are leaving, both his and his wife's corpses are left lying there. It is unknown on what had happened to their bodies as now the 'helot' were now able to come out of their hiding place.
Despite his and Empusa's death, it is possible that their daughter, Elizabeth, became the new Countess of the Chateau.
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