
From SCEE Cambridge Wiki


Set in the cloud-draped peaks is the far from heavenly Aetha. The sheer mountains and treacherous rocks mean the inhabitants have to make their precarious homes on the plateaus and peaks above the clouds. The gloom and drizzle hides Tudor-like architecture with foreboding towers, heavy black beams and crumbling white walls. Overhanging balconies seek to steal what little light the street lanterns cast.

The occupants of Aetha are the "Wraith" race. These fearsome and cadaverous beings have created a warped aristocratic society, with the ruling Wraith class living a life of opulence and excess while the "Helot" peasants live in filth and squalor. Unsurprisingly the ruling class are selfish and evil, throwing lavish masked balls within sight of the starving masses. The Wraith are shown to have vampiric characteristics, such as the need to survive on drinking blood.

Jen's third demon form is based on the Wraith race.



Count Raum's Mansion

  • Also known as the Chateau, a French reference to add to the French Revolution motif. Divided into East Wing, West Wing, and Count Raum's Tower.
    • Multiple floors can be confusing, as the map does not indicate this well.
    • The Chapel
      • Large mirror at the head, indicative of vanity, indicates Raum worships himself here.
      • Twin mirror Statues on the southeast wall of a wraith apparently about to strike a women in evening dress from behind. Reference to the vampire theme of the level.
    • The Dark Maze
    • Library
    • Ballroom
    • Banquet Hall
    • Raum and Empusa's Bedroom
    • Main Courtyard
      • Fountain of Blood
    • Torture rooms beneath
    • Flooded Dungeons beneath.
    • Elizabeth's garret.
    • Blood Machine
    • The Parlor - West corner of the East Wing.
      • Up stairs lead to Raum and Empusa's bedroom. Note mirror on the landing for the Count and Countess to check their appearance before greeting the unwashed masses.
      • Down Stairs lead southeast to the hall around the periphery of the East Wing. Destination is the Orrery Room which leads to the Dark Maze.
      • Harpsichord.
        • Not a virginal. They're rectangular and legless, BION.
      • Parquet floor.
      • Fireplace
      • No mirror
      • End table
      • Multiple chairs for entertaining guests.
      • Exit to the Northeast is a small room that leads to the Banquet Hall. The small room has single long flight of stairs down to the South east. There's a locked door at the end. By the sound of rain it opens somewhere in the Dark Maze.

East Wing

  • Parlor in the West corner
  • Banquet Hall along the Northwest side
  • Dark Maze in the Center.
  • Entrance to the Blood Machine on the south east.
  • Rift Gate to the North.

West Wing

  • Northeastern portion of the wing.
  • Stairs to the East up to Ballroom Balcony.
Elizabeth's Chambers
  • Elizabeth's Attic, stairs down to Elizabeth's Chambers.
  • Elizabeth's Chambers (1 flight up)
    • Double room with two chaises longues, a fireplace, a bureau with huge mirror, and floor to ceiling windows. Stairs up to Elizabeth's Attic and down to
  • Elizabeth's Chambers (ground floor)
    • Southernmost point of the West wing.
    • Northeast door into the Library
    • Northwest door into the hallway to the Arboretum where Jen is captured by Count Raum upon entering the Mansion.
  • Multilevel
  • Green flames partway up each of the four columns in the Library.
  • Wraith bust wearing a Darth-Vader like cowl, minus the breathing mask.
  • Extensive book shelves.
  • Door to the Northeast from the Chapel.
  • Door to the South East from the Main Courtyard.
  • Door to Elizabeth's Chambers to the South West.
  • Spoiler: [Energy Gem</span]
  • Spoiler: [hidden passage to the Armory]