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== General ==
Set in the cloud-draped peaks is the far from heavenly Aetha. The sheer mountains and treacherous rocks mean the inhabitants have to make their precarious homes on the plateaus and peaks above the clouds. The gloom and drizzle hides Tudor-like architecture with foreboding towers, heavy black beams and crumbling white walls. Overhanging balconies seek to steal what little light the street lanterns cast.
Set in the cloud-draped peaks is the far from heavenly Aetha. The sheer mountains and treacherous rocks mean the inhabitants have to make their precarious homes on the plateaus and peaks above the clouds. The gloom and drizzle hides Tudor-like architecture with foreboding towers, heavy black beams and crumbling white walls. Overhanging balconies seek to steal what little light the street lanterns cast.

The occupants of Aetha are the "[[Wraith]]" race. These fearsome and cadaverous beings have created a warped aristocratic society, with the ruling [[Wraith]] class living a life of opulence and excess while the "Helot" peasants live in filth and squalor. Unsurprisingly the ruling class are selfish and evil, throwing lavish masked balls within sight of the starving masses. The [[Wraith]] are shown to have vampiric characteristics, such as the need to survive on drinking blood.
The occupants of Aetha are the "[[Wraith]]" race. These fearsome and cadaverous beings have created a warped aristocratic society, with the ruling [[Wraith]] class living a life of opulence and excess while the "Helot" peasants live in filth and squalor. Unsurprisingly the ruling class are selfish and evil, throwing lavish masked balls within sight of the starving masses. The [[Wraith]] are shown to have vampiric characteristics, although not needing blood to live, their ability to digest Helot blood gives them invincible qualities.

[[Jennifer Tate | Jen]]'s third demon form is based on the [[Wraith]] race.
[[Jennifer Tate | Jen]]'s third demon form is based on the [[Wraith]] race.

=== Inhabitants ===
==Locations in Aetha==
*'''Lower Village:''' Where Jen and Scree begin their adventure through Aetha, this is where the Riftgate to the [[Nexus]] is.
*'''Upper Village:''' Where many of the Helot reside usually, however they have been driven from their village by the growing wrath of the Wraith.
*'''Main Square:''' According to Scree, the Main Square often is bustling with the Helot with market stalls, however deserted since the Wraith's new grip of power.
*'''Manor House:''' One of the more luxurious buildings the Helot own, it is here the population of the Lower and Upper villages have fled. A cellar lies beneath the building and a trap door conceals the population.
*'''Cemetery:''' Where the Helot bury their dead, The Duke's ghost (known as a Phantom, possibly what happens to a Wraith upon death opposed to an actual ghost) haunts the graveyard as of late.
*'''Farm''': Although not really explored, the Helot have a farm. A barn of troughs lies near a Riftgate and a few fields lie around the cliffs suggesting the Helot used to grow some form of crop and house some form of animal once.
*'''Dungeon Docks & Flooded Dungeons:''' An out of place dock appears to be one entrance (and the entrance Scree & Jen take) to enter the Mansion. This area is severely flooded, perhaps a natural lake the Wraith use to bring water up to the castle, or the result of faulty plumming. Either way, it's an obscure feature to have sitting underneath a castle atop of a cliff..
*'''Cage Chamber'''
*'''Torture Room:''' It appears many forms of torture occur down in these lower levels. Jen and Scree are introduced to a collaboration of unruly decapitated [[Wraith]] and '''Helot''' heads that are placed upon magical skewers that enable them to maintain their life. From the disagreeing opinions of the heads, it appears eternity with such characters would truly be a whole new form of torture. Although some desire to help Jen, one stuck up Wraith (once being upon the Count's side - even though he'd taken his head off) alerts the guards to Jen and Scree's location.
*'''Upper Cells:''' It is here an unexpected Ally emerges from the darkness. For the rest of the Dungeons, Scree and Jen are accompanied by a Helot warrior who has managed to free himself from his shackles claiming the Wraith had killed all his family and desired to help on account of his revenge. He leaves our heroes when they emerge from the Dungeons to an uncertain fate.

* [[Yaarg]]
===Count Raum's Mansion===
* [[Valkyrie]]
Count Raum's mansion also known as The Chateau (a French reference to add to the French Revolution motif) is the stronghold of the Wraith aristocracy in Aetha. It's an elaborate and beautiful location which strikes a certain irony when you remember who live within it's walls. It is divided into East Wing, West Wing, and Count Raum's Tower.
* [[Helot]]
* [[Wraith]]
=== Characters ===
* [[Count Raum]]
* [[Countess Empusa]]
* [[Princess Elizabeth]]
* [[The Watcher]] - aka "Old Pug Face."
* [[The Prisoner]] - unexpected ally in the dungeons
* [[Ghost Count]]
* [[Captain Valeera]]

===West Wing===
*Upon arriving in the mansion from the Dungeons you're met with a daunting room with statues of lantern carriers which resemble '''The Hermit''' in [[wikipedia:The Hermit|Tarot Cards]] and also bear a striking similarity to lantern-carriers in [[wikipedia:Led Zepelin|Led Zepelin's]] album: [[wikipedia:Led Zepelin IV|Led Zepelin IV]].
*'''The Chapel:'''
=== Count Raum's Mansion ===
=== Count Raum's Mansion ===

* Also known as the Chateau, a French reference to add to the French Revolution motif.  Divided into East Wing, West Wing, and Count Raum's Tower.
** Multiple floors can be confusing, as the map does not indicate this well.
** The Chapel
** The Chapel
*** Large mirror at the head, indicative of vanity, indicates Raum worships himself here.
*** Large mirror at the head, indicative of vanity, indicates Raum worships himself here.
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* Spoiler: [<span style="color:white;">Energy Gem</span]
* Spoiler: [<span style="color:white;">Energy Gem</span]
* Spoiler: [<span style="color:white;">hidden passage to the Armory</span>]
* Spoiler: [<span style="color:white;">hidden passage to the Armory</span>]
==Creatures Found in Aetha==
* '''[[Wraith]]''': The aristocratic and vampiric rulers of Aetha.
* '''Yaarg''': The equivalent to Solum's Malkai, these pests have taken over The Village since Raum & Empusa have upped their evil powers. They are extremely deadly and their strange body shape makes it hard to attack the creatures. Their appearance holds some similarities to [[wikipedia:Vogons|Vogons]] from [[wikipedia:Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]].
* '''Valkyrie''': Most probably a caste of Wraith soldiers as they have the Wraith's ability to flit. All Valkyrie are female so it seems.
* '''Helot''': Horned peasants who live miserable, busy and unrewarding lives under the rule of the Wraith. They possess little strength and appear to have no special abilities. It's never determined if the Helot are a sub-species of the Wraith or an entirely different one altogether, that said - they cannot perform any of the powers the Wraith have and facially look extremely different. They do not have the Wraith webbed hair or dark gloomy eye sockets, but instead have noticable horns protruding from the back of the skull extremely similar to a [[wikipedia:Pachycephalosaurus|Pachycephalosaurus]].
*'''Phantom''': Possibly a result of a Wraith death and the Wraith equivalent to a Ghost or something that Count Raum's dark science has created. It takes the form of a minature whirlwind. The Duke was a notable Phantom after his death.
*'''Rats''': It's clear rats are a problem in Aetha. Many scamper across the floor in the dungeons and [[Princess Elizabeth]] has a dead pet rat called '''Claude'''.
*'''Unnamed Travel-Worthy Toad''': Exceptionally hard to discover, in the Manor House there is a sepia photograph of a Helot riding upon a very large toad-like creature. Another figure appears to be holding the reigns of the toad upon the floor. A domesticated pet appears next to him - possibly a terrier dog.
===Characters in Aetha===
* [[Count Raum]]
* [[Countess Empusa]]
* [[Princess Elizabeth]]
* [[The Watcher]] - aka "Old Pug Face."
* The Prisoner - unexpected ally in the dungeons
* Phantom Duke
* Captain Valeera
*The date on the majority of the gravestones is: "1220-1242." It is unknown what this date signifies, however a [[wikipedia:Croatian]] '''Archbishop Guncellus''' held religious power in this era.
*Many of the doors of the Helot houses are daubed with white which shows a cross with wings and a circle atop of it. Such a marking could be similar to a passage in the Bible: [http://bible.cc/exodus/12-23.htm Exodus 12-23]. It claims to make a marking upon your door to make sure the Lord God knows not to strike down your door and destroy whoever's inside. The Wraith could be likened to gods with their immortality and the marking could be a sign that they've already been calling at that house for victims.
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